The United Nations General Assembly (UNEA) decided that, as of 2009, 8 June would be designated by the United Nations as World Oceans Day. While the official UN designation for World Oceans Day is 8 June, the 2024 event will be celebrated on Friday, 7 June.

On this day, we have an opportunity to raise global awareness of the benefits humankind derives from the ocean and of our individual and collective duty to use its resources sustainably. Every year the United Nations selects a theme for World Oceans Day to engage the global community around key ocean topics. This year, the theme is: Awaken New Depths

The ocean sustains humanity and all life on earth. While we have only explored the 10% of oceans’ depths, the consequences of our actions are evident throughout its waters. Human activity is increasingly devastating the ocean placing the survival of our waters at risk.

The ocean’s state is on the decline. Our relationship to the ocean needs to urgently change, and our efforts to protect it have only skimmed the surface to date.

This year dive beneath the surface and awaken new depths of understanding, compassion, collaboration and commitment for the ocean and all it sustains.

We all depend on the ocean and we all have a responsibility and a role to play in protecting it. we all have the power to create positive change and build a better future for our blue planet.

All of us have a responsibility and a role to play in protecting our blue planet. We need radical collaboration to protect the ocean before it’s too late. Deepening our understanding of the ocean’s challenges means we can more comprehensively equip ourselves with solutions to address them.

The ocean sustains all life on earth, including our own. Still, our shallow and short-sighted decisions continue to threaten its demise. To protect our planet’s beating heart, we need to Awaken New Depths within our own.

To protect our planet’s beating heart, we need to awaken new depths of compassion within our own. Swipe to learn more about 5 marine animals that can teach us about compassion.


Official Website: https://unworldoceansday.org/un-world-oceans-day-2024/

Register for the Virtual Event: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/virtual-2024-united-nations-world-oceans-day-celebration-tickets-876138984287?aff=oddtdtcreator