Being vegan is not that easy, during holidays. Even if you are the quietest and most peaceful vegan in the solar system, travel around our planet has the ability of getting every vegan crazy, while trying to find something to eat. But aren’t holydays the part of the year in which one should relax and distend the tension?! Exactly: that is why we provide you the vegan guide. To survive the holidays.

The place you choose to go is important, it represent you… anyway it is not said that is must represent what you eat! There are many places where the word “vegan” means nothing, simply because it is unknown. Usually these are the poorest places in the world, but even this is not said for sure: even in the “developed” countries, you can find many restaurants where just saying «Hi, I’m vegan…» upsets the chef. Who at the end will fall back on the usual and infallible binomial “pasta with tomato sauce and grilled vegetables”, known among vegans as “the evil duo” or “the save-meal-combination” (depending on the type of vegan), which is able to give a little breath to the cook, aware of his ability in these foods and of his inability on others. So… Here some advice, to be sure you will not be unprepared.

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  1. Learn the most useful sentences in the local language, or print a list of forbidden ingredients, to inform others about what you do not eat: probably, if you go to a family-run tavern or in a typical old restaurant, they do not know English, or they speak it so badly that, in the end, you’ll have to refuse the meal… once it is already prepared.
  1. Trust social networks and apps: there are lots of different ways to look for vegan-friendly restaurants in the area you choose to stay. It is advisable to search them BEFORE arriving at the holiday place. You can even join Facebook groups, to ask which restaurants are the best, and which should be avoided.
  1. Bring your vegan snacks with you. ALWAYS. Cereal bars, almonds, fruit smoothies, seeds… In this way, you can satisfy your cravings, without ruining your holidays.
  1. If possible, look for an apartment with the kitchen. In this way, you can cook your meal in all tranquillity.
  1. When you book a room, try to get all the information you require: e.g. if the reservation includes meals, ask if there are vegan foods. If not, ask if you have the possibility to bring your own food (vegetable milk and yogurt…) and store it in the fridge of the room.vegan tomatoes [1600x1200]
  1. Find the nearest fruit markets, where you can find fresh fruits and vegetables as well as the most typical and local food: you can discover new good tastes, scarce or inexistent in your country.

Even if you are not travelling to the other part of the world, vegan holidays can be distressful. To prevent this, be aware of something, in particular if you are invited to BBQs:

  1. BRING YOUR OWN FOOD. Don’t expect, now or never, that a BBQ-fan will cook vegan food for you: it is quite impossible! Actually, there are lots of meat-substitutes, which can make you feel comfortable in situations like that. E.g.: vegan hot-dogs, vegan sausages, vegan burger… they are not just healthier and animal-friendly foods, but even delicious.

Subsection 7.1: BRING YOUR OWN DRINKS. Many beverage (except for the simple water) are not vegan… and if you are a healthier person you would be happy to avoid all the sodium and artificial sweeteners of the commercial drinks, too.

  1. Do not be selfish: remember that veganism is a lifestyle based on the philosophy of “respect everyone”. So, if someone is interested in eating your food (though to criticize it!), let him try: the granted joke hides everywhere, but at the same time, vegan-interested can be anywhere. Even better: be kind, offer your dishes to others. If they do not want to eat them, they will refuse. Otherwise…Vegan-Burger [1600x1200]
  1. Offer to help: cook something (obviously that is not against your moral principles), sets the table, cleaning… show to the others that we are exactly like everyone. With just more empathy. And lastly…
  1. You are at a party, not in the middle of a protest. And those around you are your friends. So just relax and enjoy your deserved holidays!!