“Meet Your Meat,” PETA’s hard-hitting exposé of America’s factory farms and slaughterhouses, documents the lives and deaths of the 10 billion chickens, turkeys, pigs, and cows killed for our plates each year. Although PETA’s undercover investigations have documented sadistic abuses time and time again, this eye-opening documentary focuses only on what is standard and legal for factory farms and slaughterhouses to do to animals.
In addition to routine abuses, every time investigators enter farms and slaughterhouses, they unearth shocking cruelty that’s outside the realm of normal practices for raising and killing animals for food. Investigations at a pig farm in North Carolina, a turkey farm in Minnesota, duck farms across the United States, and a chicken slaughterhouse in West Virginia have documented sadistic abuse so extreme that it would make any kind person lose his or her lunch.
The one common link among all these videos is that they document the reality of the meat industry: Intelligent, sensitive animals are abused in ways that would warrant felony cruelty-to-animals charges if dogs or cats were the victims.