World Oceans Day is a day to remember the importance of oceans and the fundamental role oceans play for the life balance on Earth.

It all starts with oceans, chests full of treasures that keep the entire balance of our planet from their mysterious depths. Not only our big blue lung, which produces over half of the oxygen donated to the Earth, but they also act like a huge global thermostat capable of ensuring climate balance.

We have thought for years we could enjoy these precious resources without setting any limits: we polluted and plundered to the point of decimating fish populations and irreversibly damaging habitats. It has been calculated that between 4 and 12 million tons of plastic are dumped into the sea every year worldwide.

That’s why it’s about time to turn the tide and start becoming aware that if we take care of the oceans, the oceans will take care of us. Therefore, this year’s theme is #PlanetOcean: Tides are Changing. An approach cautiously optimistic: tides are changing. In fact, the United Nations are joining forces with policy makers, scientists, private sector executives, civil society representatives, indigenous communities, celebrities and young activists to put the ocean first.

Happy World Oceans Day!

🔎 Visit United Nations WORLD OCEANS DAY official website

🔎 Visit WORLD OCEAN DAY official website 


“Why is Aquatic Animal Welfare Crucial in Ocean Conservation Strategies?”

This WorldOceansDay, the Aquatic Animal Alliance is making the connection between aquatic AnimalWelfare and sustainability.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Sustainable fishing and aquaculture practices will not only improve the lives of trillions of individual animals each year, they will also help improve global FoodSecurity.  Read the blog