Today is a special day for humanity to celebrate the ocean 🌊. Why? Because ocean is life and contributes to keep us alive. Consider that the 70% of our Earth is ocean hence we should work together to protect, revitalize and keep healthy this precious element and everything it sustains.

This year’s United Nations theme is “Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean”.

What is World Oceans Day?

Oceans Day was first declared on 8 June, 1992 in Rio de Janeiro at the Global Forum a parallel event at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), which provided an opportunity for non-government organizations (NGOs) and civil society to express their views on environmental issues.

In 2008, the United Nation General Assembly resolved that 8 June would be designated as “World Oceans Day”. (General Assembly resolution 63/111)

Is there something you can do?

On this day, we have the opportunity to raise global awareness on the benefits that derive from an healthy ocean, but to create a healthy ocean with abundant wildlife and to stabilize the climate, it’s

critical that 30% of our planet’s lands, waters, and ocean are protected by 2030.


🗞 Read more on why States should prioritize the 30×30 goal (here)

✍️ Sign the letter for your nation’s leader(s) – (here)

🔎 Visit United Nations WORLD OCEANS DAY official website

🔎 Visit WORLD OCEAN DAY official website