This new Transitory Care Center, that will be unveiled in October 2018, will correspond Kosovo regulations and have better possibilities to separate and treat contagious dogs.

The renovation works have already begun but we need funds for windows and doors, fences, boxes, water and so on. As Kosovo is very hot, the Center also needs as much shadow as possible.  The first two trees have been planted. They cost between 30-40 Euro, if small.

The Center will be the first place in Kosovo with sterile boxes, very important for the puppies, that often get Giardia and die of Parvovirus.

Help us raise money for THE FIRST ANIMAL CLINIC IN KOSOVO!!!



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Other ongoing activities:


Straycoco’s activities in favour of stray dogs in Kosovo continue. The team is currently engaged in a sterilisation campaign in the municipalities of Gjakova, Rahovec, Malishevo, Mamusha and Decan. They also started to chip and register dogs and their owners, realising also a short film aimed at raising the awareness of the people and the institutions about the urgency of a controlling program over dog keepers:

In the municipalities of Gjakova and Decan, Straycoco served veterinarians with chips and chipreader asking them to chip all farmer dogs.

The collaboration between Straycoco and veterinaries seeks to propagate among the population the awareness of the importance of registering dogs owners and chip their dogs. At the same time, the team carries out actions to inform and motivate dog keepers that let their dogs roam, to sterilise them.