Despite government programs, in Kosovo, in cities like Prishtina, stray populations have remained unchanged. Our member league Stray Angels Kosova Foundation reported to us cases of disappearing sterilized dogs and suspected underground culling. They need sustainable and humane solutions to manage stray dogs. With our support they can provide for vaccinations, sterilizations and adoption initiatives.

Stray dog crisis in Kosovo
Kosovo faces a long standing stray dog population crisis as well as a history of animal mistreatment. Even today, reports of stray dogs involved in road accidents, abused, abandoned/relocated, illegally bred, being shot, or forced into dog fights remain common. Along with these challenges, stray dogs face harsh weather conditions and environmental dangers, making them highly vulnerable to diseases and parasitic infestations.
Recent estimates indicate that Kosovo has between 20,000 and 25,000 stray dogs, with 4,000 to 5,000 in Prishtina. While Prishtina Municipality and other major cities have launched Catch-Neuter-Vaccinate-Release (CNVR) programs and established treatment centers, these efforts have been poorly managed, lack community engagement, and lack transparency on funding allocation.
For years, independent rescuers and local groups have provided free services to their community, often lacking in funds themselves. Their initiatives include:
- Providing temporary shelter and medical care to vulnerable or injured animals.
- Facilitating adoptions and fostering: Coordinating with local fosters and adopters, completing vaccination and EU-required Titer tests, and organizing animal travel.
- Sterilizing and vaccinating dogs to prevent overpopulation and disease.
- Raising awareness: Educating communities about animal welfare, responsible pet ownership, and how to support stray dogs.
- De-escalating neighborhood complaints: Handling conflicts like threats to poison, relocate, or kill dogs.
- Supporting CNVR operations: Identifying pockets of unsterilized dogs and collaborating with veterinarians to address the issue.
- Establishing feeding points for sterilized strays as well as monitoring the health and situation of stray dogs, as well as their movements.
Stray Angels Kosova’s mission is to empower animal welfare organizations, rescuers, and volunteers to care for and protect stray animals across Kosovo. Especially, they provide:
- Medical treatment and rehabilitation for injured or ill dogs;
- Sterilization and vaccination programs;
- Fostering and adoption initiatives;
- Education and advocacy campaigns for communities.
To make a lasting impact, Stray Angels Kosova aims to:
- Establish stable funding for rescuers and Catch-Neuter-Vaccinate-Release (CNVR) programs;
- Launch a nationwide education program to teach all age groups about responsible pet ownership and purchasing, sterilization, how to safely interact with stray animals, and ways to mitigate animal abandonment.
Expanding animal welfare efforts requires thoughtful planning, support from international partners, and strong community involvement. Outside help and resources are urgently needed to put more humane population control measures in place across the country.
Let’s donate to Stray Angels Kosova Foundation to support their efforts.