In Pasupatinath one of the hindu world heritage pilgrimage in Nepal there are many stray dogs. We may not need to describe them each but the condition are untolerable.

NAWRC with other local organizations, is planning to do the Medical Campaign and Spay-Neuter-Vaccinate-Monitor-Release Campaign in the area.

The program aims to provide the most urgent treatments to more than 50 severe mange free roaming dogs, spay over 100 female and catrate over 100.

Nepal is suffering from the crisis and post disaster recovery. People are concerned to human factors only, but animal health is directly connected to the human health.

Rabies transmission is a major risk with so many stray dogs. Spay Neuter Vaccinate Monitor and Release (CNVMR) is regarded as the most efficient and effective methods to control the dog population in a long term way.

In a walk of 2 hours, the GPS location tracking system APP developed to do the survey of free roaming street dogs over PADT area, 127 dogs were counted. Out of which, 6 female dogs were seen spayed, 64 female dogs were not spayed, 50 males were not castrated. 7 puppies were seen in very critical stages.