Summer is coming in Dubai and the heavy heat weights on stray animals like a boulder, especially when food
and water cannot be guaranteed. People, who love animals and have compassion, are not allowed to relieve their pain by feeding them and providing fresh water to avoid dehydration since in many residential areas warning notices clearly require residents to cease this practice.
How will they survive then? Who will look after all these stray cats if authorities do not care and punish residents who are willing to help them even at their own expenses?
There are so many sick and injured cats on the streets of Dubai and in this period hundreds of new born kittens are trying to survive with the adults in a place unwilling to accept them.
Stray cats here are dying from sickness and hunger. They have no food, no care, and no treatment, but thanks to people not able to turn their back on them there is still a hope.
Our friend Fawaz Kanaan is continue to feed stray cats not matter which consequences he is going to have with laws and authorities, because who loves animals can’t accept to see them suffering and starving to death without reacting.
🙏 Stray cats of Dubai are begging for help 🙏
🆘 What can you do? 🆘
👥Contact Fawaz on his FB page asking how to order wet and dry food online or give a donation
📣 Share our campaign “Holiday for you. Hell for us. #Ethicaltravel” and start thinking about animal welfare when choosing you holiday destination
🙌 Support and donate for our project “SAVE A STRAY” to help strays neglected in many countries of the world