The undersigned OIPA, a union of more than 100 association for the animal protection all over the world and NGO member of the UN, learnt about your experiments on cats and dogs. Besides the lack of scientific quality, about what have expressed their opinion thousand of doctors members of the international organization called “INTERNATIONAL DOCTORS”, it’s to point out the total lack of ethics on the treatment of the animals. That’s clear from a filmed sequences we have examined.
We express our blame for what you are doing. We’d also like to point out that if we won’t receive a positive acknowledgment in ten days from the dateof the sending of this e-mail (immediate stop of every experiment on animals and liberation of all the animals that should be sent in the refuges wich we will direct you), we will go ahead with an international press campaign. That will involve all the local and national administration and private citizens (obviously your customers). Top level of the media will be involved and we will inform the UN about it during the next yearly world conference of the NGO (New York 8-10 September 2003). We shall also take appropriate legal proceedings, in agreement wit all the associations for the animals protection involved.

Massimo Pradella
(OIPA International President)