It was a tiny little orange ball crouched on the roadside, but today is Pedro and it’s cared for by the OIPA Blue Angels of Latina. Without their prompt assistance, this nice kitty hardly would survived in the street, a jungle for stray cats that become a nightmare for whom, like the little Pedro, has had the misfortune to be born completely blind.

Spotted from the car on the provincial road, Pedro was recovered by the OIPA volunteer about a month ago and, from that day, its life is nothing else but a succession of treatments, controls and medical treatments. At the beginning it seemed that its eyes were closed because incrusted for an infection, but from the veterinary visit was found out that its blindness is congenital. Also the oculist has confirmed that, unfortunately, will not regain the sight because Pedro was born eyeless.

Kitty with a poor health, perhaps will have to wait to become older to overcome its fragility. Being still young its more exposed to infections and, indeed, now its forced to live with a cold that gives it no respite, the reason why its being treated with antibiotics, immunostimulant, probiotics and session of aerosols. Despite everything, Pedro its still a puppy, wishful to discover the world and play with vivacity, like all the babies.

The OIPA Blue Angles of Latina are taking care of it with attention and care, but they need a help to face the costs of the veterinary visits, as the medicines it regularly takes.

Moreover Pedro would have need to find a special adoption, someone who desire to protect a special kitty like it, who have the possibility to dedicate it the more time to ensure all the attention its needs. Pedro is four months old, very sweet and loving, always ready to purring at all. It lives peacefully with other cats and needs to live in an apartment.

Anyone could give an economic contribute, will be of a great support  to ensure its care.