Animals are scarcely protected in Egypt because there are no adequate animal welfare laws. Under the current regime, working animals are forced to tow carts on broken legs, whipped and beaten mercilessly and frequently and systemically deprived of food, water and medical care often resulting in a terrible death.

We are proud to have amongst our member league associations the Australian charity Egypt Equine Aid (EEA) that has been operating since 2014 near Cairo helping distressed horses, donkeys and mules of Egypt that desperately need assistance.

They take severely sick and injured equines, they treat them with free veterinary care while educating their owners about better animal care and husbandry, so they can have a hope to live pain-free lives again. Most of these animals are affected from terrible lacerations, wounds, infections, abscesses, skin diseases, dehydration, malnutrition, stress, depression, exhaustion.

The association is located in Abu Sir, a rural site between Giza and Saqqara, full of farms. Local families exploit working animals for their daily surviving activities, but the population in here is so poor that cannot afford to pay for any veterinary care and, even if they could, there are no well-trained and qualified vets in the area and animals desperately need help.

EEA regularly hands out equipment such as nosebands, fly masks, halters, humane bits, and harness pads explaining how those items help animals stay injury-free and healthy.

The mission of EEA

  • Providing free and needed veterinary care offering both in-patient and out-patient services aiding animals but also local communities
  • Offering a veterinary training programme (standard operating procedures, dental work and farriers) to local vets, vet assistances and vet students learning not only in classrooms but through practical experience
  • Educating animal owners on animal welfare and care and encouraging kindness and compassion toward animals by teaching children and young adults

EEA has recently established a legal advocacy division for working hard on filling the gap represented by the lack of laws against animal abuse in the Country, collaborating with Amina Abaza (the only person able to introduce successfully any animal welfare law in Egypt). It’s not acceptable that neglecting an animal, letting an animal work to death or withholding food and water and these are just few examples is still legal and tolerated. There is still so much to do to guarantee animals their rights.



How to help

👉 Donate directly on EEA website

👉 Make a donation through OIPA writing as payment reason “Horses and Donkeys of EEA”