OIPA TANZANIA, Meru Animal Welfare Organization in June conducted a 3-day training for the organization Community Animal Health Workers in three villages in the Manyara Region.

14184506_1070629346362444_7502597465780614726_nSpay and Neuter Clinic

MAWO spay and neuter campaign continued in July, as they conducted a week of veterinary services in Terat village. Theyr primary goal is help reduce the number of puppies born, and thus the spread of disease. They believe that if they can contribute to spaying female dogs and reduce the number of pups born each year, this will gradually lower the number of suffering street and feral dogs, which are directly linked to disease and infestations into rural communities (See our article about stray dogs in developing countries, CLICK HERE).

14370218_1084156688343043_1607586807231101596_nDonkey Mobile Clinic

From July to September of this year, MAWO provided treatment to 978 donkeys through their mobile clinics. The goal of MAWO’s mobile clinics is to promote the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of donkeys diseases, disorders and injuries. Though donkeys are very sturdy and strong animals, they are susceptible to various diseases and health problems. MAWO provides advice and services related to vaccination routine treatments (such as deworming), wound treatment, hoof trimming, eye care, and cure for illnesses. At the mobile Clinics, MAWO also provides drugs and advice where they can be obtained for future needs.

Harness Training

MAWO hosted successful donkey harnessing trainings in the villages of Terat, Komolo and Losinay. As a result, 90 Maasai women were able to create their own cruelty-free harness by using local materials which are commonly available in their areas. Participants were also trained on making saddle packs to protect the spine of the donkey. Poorly- made and badly-fitting harnesses not only cause wounds, but also affect a donkey’s behavior, body condition, lameness, and certain diseases such as tetanus. MAWO continues to assess animal welfare through the use of the Donkey Welfare Guide.

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MAWO continues to use radio outreach in an effort to positively change attitudes of users and owners of donkeys. Through these informative broadcasts, they strive to improve the knowledge af animal-owners in order to facilitate and encourage good animal-welfare practices and equipment use, thereby reducing the incidence of donkey injuries. MAWO also educates the public on sheltering their donkeys to avoid their being stolen or developing malicious skin disease that are common in the communities. Radio has allowed MAWO to reach a high percentage of residents and they aim to continue using these means, along with web and social media, to educate the public.


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