Following the legal registration at city level of OIPA Sierra Leone, our international representative recently organized a nine days programme focused on enhancing animal awareness and animal protection in nine communities of Kenema City included Holy Trinity High School and Cetidel Hugh School.

Our Representative trained over 25 families on how to protect and care for their domestic animals, as well as how to treat and respect stray animals. In addition, volunteers attended a workshop learning in details the mission and objectives of OIPA, risks and steps involved in advocating for animals rights and animal protection, how to operate when rescuing roaming animals and how to strengthen community awareness.

This nine days session was also an occasion to carry out some rescue operations in which 12 street dogs and cats have been rescued and temporary fostered.

The biggest dream of OIPA Sierra Leone is being able in the near future to create a mobile vet clinic and build a permanent shelter for rescued streets and abused animals giving them a safe place where to take refuge.