OIPA is cooperating with PETA Germany by providing data and information on illegal puppy trade in Italy and the rest of Europe



Research uncovers animal suffering in puppy trade

Online platforms, such as Quoka and deine-tierwelt in Germany, or Subito in Italy, have become hotbeds for the illegal puppy trade. These websites allow sellers to anonymously advertise adorable puppies, often using deceptive tactics to lure unsuspecting buyers. False claims about puppies’ origins and breeders are commonplace, making it difficult for potential adopters to discern the truth.

The lack of oversight and transparency on these platforms creates an ideal environment for criminal traders to flourish. With little to no information about the sellers, buyers are left vulnerable to scams and the purchase of unhealthy or mistreated animals. The illegal trade in young dogs, cats, and other animals continues to thrive on these online marketplaces, fueled by the demand for cute companions.

According to the European Commission, a staggering 438,000 dogs are constantly listed for sale on major internet platforms across Europe. This alarming figure highlights the scale of the problem and the urgent need for action. PETA Germany has also shed light on the issue, revealing that around 17,000 puppies are advertised for sale each month on the five largest online marketplaces in the country.

These statistics underscore the gravity of the situation and the devastating impact the illegal puppy trade has on animals and unsuspecting buyers. It is imperative to raise awareness about this issue and advocate for stricter regulations and oversight of online marketplaces to combat the exploitation of animals and protect consumers.

Is it illegal to buy puppies?

The widespread ownership of pets in the European Union raises significant ethical concerns. With over 67 million dogs in the EU, including a staggering 10 million in Germany alone, the demand for puppies is immense. However, the commercial breeding of animals for profit is morally problematic, especially when millions of homeless animals languish in shelters, yearning for loving homes.

Animals are not mere commodities to be bought and sold; they are sentient beings with complex needs and emotions. The mass production of pets for profit disregards their individual welfare and contributes to the overpopulation crisis in animal shelters. It is morally questionable to breed more animals when countless others are already in need of adoption.

Every time someone purchases a dog from a breeding program, they are denying an animal in a shelter the opportunity to find a loving home and a second chance at life. By choosing to buy from a breeder, even a seemingly reputable one, individuals actively contribute to the overcrowding problem in animal shelters and fail to act in a responsible and compassionate manner towards animals.

Furthermore, many “pedigree dogs” and other problematic breeds often originate from cruel and inhumane breeding programs in Eastern Europe. These animals are illegally imported into countries like Italy, Germany, Spain, and others within the EU, perpetuating a cycle of animal suffering. The demand for these breeds fuels the illegal trade and supports unethical breeding practices.

In conclusion, the increasing demand for pets must be balanced against the welfare of the animals themselves. The purchase of puppies from breeding programs contributes to the overpopulation of animal shelters and supports unethical breeding practices. It is imperative to consider the plight of homeless animals and make responsible choices when acquiring a pet. Adopting from a shelter or rescue organization is a more ethical and compassionate option, as it provides a second chance to animals in need and helps alleviate the overcrowding crisis.

What does illegal puppy trading mean?

The illegal puppy trade is a complex and multifaceted problem that involves the exploitation of animals and the violation of various regulations. One common practice involves the smuggling of puppies across EU borders before they reach the mandatory 15-week age requirement. These puppies are often transported without proper rabies protection, a mandatory EU pet passport, or even a microchip, all with the intent to sell them illegally. Authorities can intervene and confiscate these puppies, but the damage is often already done.

The suffering of puppies and their parents frequently begins long before they are transported. Many online-advertised puppies originate from Eastern European breeding farms where mother animals are confined like birthing machines in dark, cramped facilities such as cellars, barns, or sheds. These breeding farms often operate in deplorable conditions, with little regard for the welfare of the animals.

The mother animals are subjected to constant breeding, with little to no rest or proper care. They are often kept in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions, leading to stress, disease, and even death. The puppies are prematurely separated from their mothers, often as early as 4 weeks old, depriving them of the essential care and nourishment they need during their early development. This practice can have long-lasting negative consequences for the puppies’ physical and emotional health.

Puppy Smuggling and the European Pet Trade

PETA Germany’s 2023 investigation into the illegal puppy trade sheds light on the alarming scale of the problem. By analyzing over 200 transportation documents, the organization uncovered the trafficking of more than 6,000 puppies across Europe. This shocking figure highlights the extent of the illicit trade in animals, which is estimated to be a multi-million-euro industry.

The illegal puppy trade fuels the smuggling of animals from Eastern to Western Europe, often under inhumane conditions. These puppies are frequently transported long distances, crammed into small spaces, and deprived of food, water, and proper care. As a result, they often arrive at their destination sick, traumatized, and with high mortality rates. The journey is a harrowing ordeal for these innocent animals, many of whom do not survive the ordeal.

The Trade Route

The illegal puppy trade is a cruel and inhumane practice that thrives in Eastern European countries such as Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary. In these regions, puppies are bred in deplorable conditions, often in dark, cramped facilities with little to no sanitation. The breeding farms prioritize profit over the welfare of the animals, resulting in overcrowded and unsanitary environments.

Once bred, these puppies are subjected to a harrowing journey across Europe. They are transported long distances, confined in cramped cages that are often overcrowded and lack basic amenities. Many of these puppies are deprived of food, water, and veterinary care for days or even weeks, leading to severe suffering and a high mortality rate. The journey is a traumatic experience for these innocent animals, and many do not survive the ordeal.

Upon reaching Western Europe, these puppies are illegally sold in public spaces such as parking lots and shopping centers. The sellers often employ deceptive tactics to lure unsuspecting buyers, making false claims about the puppies’ health, breed, and origins. These illegal sales circumvent proper regulations and provide no guarantees for the buyer, leaving them vulnerable to scams and the purchase of unhealthy animals.



The Suffering

The illegal puppy trade is a cruel and exploitative industry that prioritizes profit over the welfare of animals. Breeding dogs are often confined to cramped cages, with little to no space to move or exercise. These dogs are forced to reproduce incessantly, with little regard for their physical or emotional well-being.

The mother dogs are frequently underfed and neglected, leading to poor health and premature mortality. They often suffer from infections, malnutrition, and other health problems. Their puppies are also subjected to overcrowded conditions, with little to no space to grow and develop. These conditions can lead to illness, injuries, and even death.

Tragically, many puppies do not survive the transport to their new homes or the initial weeks thereafter. The journey is often long and arduous, with little to no care provided for the animals. Once they arrive at their destination, they may be sick, traumatized, and in need of immediate medical attention.

The puppy trade is a cruel and exploitative industry that profits from the suffering of animals. Puppies are routinely snatched from their mothers prematurely, before they can develop properly. This traumatic early separation often results in lifelong, severe behavioral issues. The dogs may exhibit anxiety, aggression, or other behavioral problems as a result of the trauma they experienced.

The Profits

The illegal puppy trade is a lucrative business that generates millions of euros annually. Those involved in this illicit industry often employ corrupt practices to avoid detection. By bribing officials, they can evade law enforcement and continue their operations without fear of consequences.

Unfortunately, many buyers remain unaware of the cruelty behind this industry. They are often lured by the appeal of a cute puppy, without considering the ethical implications of their purchase. These buyers contribute to the demand for puppies, which in turn fuels the illegal trade and perpetuates the cycle of animal suffering.

The Aftermath and Health risks

Surviving puppies frequently develop behavioral problems and health issues due to the traumatic experiences they endure in the illegal puppy trade. The inhumane conditions, early separation from their mothers, and the stressful transportation process can have long-lasting negative effects on their physical and mental well-being.

Behavioral problems commonly seen in surviving puppies include:

  • Fearfulness: Many puppies develop a deep-rooted fear of people and other animals due to the traumatic experiences they’ve endured.
  • Anxiety: The stress and uncertainty of their early life can lead to anxiety disorders, such as separation anxiety or generalized anxiety disorder.
  • Aggression: In some cases, puppies may exhibit aggressive behavior as a result of their traumatic past, particularly if they were subjected to abuse or neglect.

Health issues are also common among surviving puppies. These may include:

  • Physical ailments: The unsanitary conditions in which they are bred and raised can lead to various physical ailments, such as parasites, infections, worm infestation, viral diseases or malnutrition.
  • Developmental problems: Early separation from their mothers can disrupt their development, leading to issues such as stunted growth or delayed socialization.

Sadly, genetic defects stemming from inbreeding are common in puppies, leading to life-threatening conditions and a drastically reduced lifespan.

These behavioral and health problems can make it difficult for these dogs to find loving homes. Many end up in shelters or are abandoned, further contributing to the overpopulation crisis. It’s important to raise awareness about the cruelty of the illegal puppy trade and support efforts to combat this inhumane practice.

The Cost of Rescue

Intercepted puppy transports often result in the seizure and transfer of the puppies to animal shelters, which then face substantial costs to provide veterinary care, food, and housing for these animals.

When authorities intercept illegal puppy transports, they typically seize the animals and transfer them to animal shelters. These shelters are then responsible for caring for the puppies, which often come with significant costs.

Veterinary Care:

  • Many puppies seized from illegal transports require immediate medical attention due to the inhumane conditions they’ve endured. This can include treatment for infections, parasites, malnutrition, and other health issues.
  • Veterinary care can be expensive, involving vaccinations, deworming, spaying or neutering, and potential surgeries to correct deformities or treat injuries.


  • Puppies have specific dietary needs for proper growth and development. Shelters must provide nutritious food that meets these requirements, which can be a substantial expense, especially for a large number of puppies.


  • Shelters need to provide appropriate housing for the seized puppies, ensuring they have safe and comfortable spaces to rest and play. This may involve building additional kennels or modifying existing facilities to accommodate the influx of animals.

The financial burden of caring for seized puppies can be significant for animal shelters, which often rely on donations and fundraising to support their operations. The costs associated with providing veterinary care, food, and housing for these animals can strain their resources and limit their ability to help other animals in need.

Distinguishing Legal and Illegal Puppy Traders

It’s crucial to be vigilant when purchasing a puppy to avoid supporting the illegal puppy trade. While it can be challenging to differentiate between legal and illegal traders, there are some red flags that may indicate a puppy is coming from an illegal puppy mill:

Age of the Puppy

  • Very young puppies: Puppies should typically not be separated from their mothers until they are at least 8 weeks old. If a puppy is offered for sale at a younger age, it’s a strong indication that it may be coming from an illegal puppy mill.


  • Lack of proper documentation: Reputable breeders will provide you with a variety of documentation, including health certificates, vaccination records, and registration papers. If a seller is unable or unwilling to provide these documents, it’s a red flag.


  • Suspiciously low prices: If the price of a puppy seems significantly lower than the average market price for the breed, it could be a sign that the puppy is coming from an illegal puppy mill. These mills often cut corners to reduce costs, which can result in lower-quality puppies.

Meeting the Mother

  • Unwillingness to let you meet the mother: Reputable breeders will be happy to let you meet the puppy’s mother and father. If the seller is unwilling or unable to do so, it could be a sign that the puppy is coming from an illegal puppy mill.

By being aware of these red flags and conducting thorough research, you can help to reduce the demand for illegally bred puppies and support ethical breeders.

OIPA and PETA Germany's Campaign Against the Illegal Pet Trade

OIPA and PETA Germany have joined forces for PETA’s 2024/25 puppy trade campaign to combat the illegal pet trade across Europe. This collaborative effort aims to shed light on the pervasive issue of illegal puppy trafficking and advocate for stricter regulations to protect animals and consumers.

Key objectives of the campaign include:

  • Data collection and information gathering: By collecting data and information from various sources, OIPA and PETA Germany aim to gain a comprehensive understanding of the illegal pet trade. This includes information about the scale of the problem, trafficking routes, and the methods used by illegal traders.
  • Raising awareness: The campaign seeks to raise public awareness about the cruelty and exploitation involved in the illegal pet trade. By informing consumers about the risks of purchasing puppies from illegal sources, OIPA and PETA Germany hope to reduce demand and ultimately disrupt the market.
  • Advocacy and policy change: Based on their findings, OIPA and PETA Germany will advocate for stricter regulations and policies to combat the illegal pet trade at the EU level. This may involve lobbying for stricter penalties for those involved in the trade, improving border controls, and increasing transparency in online marketplaces.

By working together, OIPA and PETA Germany hope to make a significant impact on the fight against the illegal pet trade. Their efforts will provide valuable information to policymakers and help to protect countless animals from suffering.

What You Can Do to Help End the Puppy Trade

Adopting from a shelter is one of the most impactful ways to help end the puppy trade. By choosing to adopt a dog in need, you are not only saving a life but also reducing the demand for puppies from illegal breeders.

Spreading awareness is another crucial step. Educate your friends, family, and acquaintances about the cruelty of the puppy trade. Share information about the issue on social media and encourage others to adopt rather than shop.

Supporting organizations working to combat the puppy trade is essential. Donate your time, money, or resources to organizations like OIPA and PETA Germany. Their efforts to expose illegal puppy mills, advocate for stricter regulations, and provide support to rescued animals are vital.

Key Actions You Can Take:

  • Adopt, don’t shop: Choose to adopt a dog from a shelter or rescue organization.
  • Report suspicious activity: If you suspect someone is involved in the illegal puppy trade, report it to the authorities.
  • Educate yourself and others: Learn about the puppy trade and share information with your community.
  • Support organizations: Donate to and volunteer with organizations working to end the puppy trade.

By taking these actions, you can contribute to a more humane and ethical pet industry.

For information, you can contact

OIPA International

PETA Germany