Home » OIPA INDIA: who is Manish Saxena, our representative in Rajasthan’s region

OIPA India is the “Registered Organizations working for the welfare of the animals, especially prevention of infliction of unnecessary cruelty upon them and to protect the flora and fauna of the country, so as to maintain ecological balance”. Our delegate in India Rajasthan’s region is Dr. Manish Saxena.

Who is Manish Saxena

Dr. Manish Saxena is advocate, Rajasthan High Court and member, State Animal Welfare Board.  He is advocating the cause of animal welfare, environment preservation & wildlife conservation for more than 22 years in Rajasthan State, India. He was recipient of prestigious National Prani Mitra Award-2021 by Government of India for Animal Welfare. He strongly advocates for harmonious & sustainable healthy coexistence for all the species.

Manish Saxena - INDIA- Application Form for OIPA Representative

India Rajasthan OIPA’s actions

Manish Saxena, with Wing Of Research In Local Development (WORLD), member league of OIPA International,  celebrated the World Migratory Bird Day, on May 14 2022, with the objective to raise awareness about the need to conserve migratory birds and their habitats.

OIPA International Representative, Manish Saxena started the programme explaining students about the Migratory Birds seasonal movement between breeding and wintering grounds for availability of food. He appealed to everyone to act responsibly by taking measures to dim building lights during the migratory phase to save lives of migratory birds and contribute significantly to biodiversity. He stated: “Our small efforts can mitigate the threats and build long term sustainable solutions for the safe migration of Migratory Birds”. READ MORE

On the “World Day For Animals In Laboratories” observed every year on April 24, the same member league association Wing Of Research In Local Development (WORLD) in cooperation with Dr. Manish Saxena, organized an educational and awareness campaign for “Say No to Animal Experiments”. This day was an occasion to promote animal rights and animal welfare through an interactive and enriching programme for more than 300 students and researchers of veterinary science to work towards a research free from animal experiment. READ MORE