Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether there are reports of smuggling of cattle across the international borders of the country;

(b) if so, the details of such cases reported along with the number of cattle seized and persons arrested during each of the last three years and the current year, border-wise;

(c) whether the role of security personnel posted at the borders has been

investigated in this context;

(d) if so, the details and the outcome thereof; and

(e) the measures taken to check smuggling of cattle across the borders of

the country?




  • & (b): The details of cases of smuggling of cattle along the international borders of the country and during the last three years and the current year and the persons arrested, border-wise are as under:-




(c)&(d): All the activities of security personnel are examined and monitored by their supervisory staff/vigilance branches. Wherever necessary, the cases are dealt as per disciplinary guidelines in force.

(e): The following measures have been taken for effective domination and surveillance so that cattle smuggling from across the International Borders of the country can be contained effectively.

  • Effective domination of the border by carrying out round the clock surveillance of the borders by patrolling nakas (border ambushes) and by deploying observation posts all along the International Border. The Riverine segments of International Border are being patrolled and dominated with the help of water crafts/speed boats/floating Border Out Posts (BOPs) of BSF water wings.
  • Construction of fencing, patrol roads, floodlighting systems and additional Border Out Posts.
  • Induction of Hi-Tech surveillance equipments. The constant efforts are being made to procure the latest surveillance equipments fully equipped with day and night vision devices for further enhancing the border domination.
  • Up-gradation of intelligence network and co-ordination with sister agencies, conduct of special operations along the border.