OIPA International continues to be in touch with local member league associations, but also to cooperate with those in the neighbouring countries, at the moment in Romania with Sava’s Safe Haven and Casa Lui Patrocle, while in Poland with Viva!Poland and Fondacia ODIN. Volunteers still work daily at the borders to assist refugees and their pets and this can be done also thanks to your help.



Sava’s Safe Haven team is at the borders of Isaceea every day to welcome refugees who arrive with their pets. We remind you that just last week they did their utmost to help a woman who fled with her 12 dogs from Odessa, driving her to Bucharest where she found an accommodation for her and the dogs. They have recently rescued an abandoned 4-year-old dog at the border. He was very dirty, so they took him to the vet for a check-up and for fixing his shaggy coat. He is now fostered in the mobile unit they have been able to purchase few weeks ago. He is a very sweet dog and is looking for adoption.

The mobile unit is equipped with an internal heating system because animals from Ukraine that they are now hosting are animals used to live indoors, in a warm and safe environment, as they are not strays. Alexandra told us that some owners, often single men, have asked them to foster their pets until the end of the war, while others have asked to foster them for a few days or weeks while they are looking for an accommodation that can accept animals or until their pet documents would be ready.

Thanks to your donations, OIPA was able to help Sava’s offer these animals a warm and protected place where they can be temporarily fostered and guarantee the economic resources necessary to buy food, bowls, pet carriers, medicines, tests and other supplies that are needed also for roaming strays at the borders.

Sava’s Safe Haven 👉 WebsiteFacebookInstagram


While of Sava’s Safe Haven team is working at the border of Isaceea (South of Romania), another partner of OIPA, Casa Lui Patrocle makes long daily shifts with its team in the North of Romania to give support and assistance to Ukrainian families that are crossing the border at Vama Siret.

The association Casa Lui Patrocle is located in Suceava, 40 km away from the border with Ukraine. The team welcomes refugees with their animals on a daily basis, providing everything they need from food, to pet carriers, coats, leashes, bowls, as well as offering first veterinary aid care, including vaccinations and help in filling out pet passports and documents directly on site. They are equipped with an ambulance and supported by veterinary staff.

Teofana, one of the sweet girl we are in regular contact with, tells us that crossing Ukraine is getting every day much more difficult, check points are everywhere (almost one every 100 mt) and they don’t allow you to stay inside a shelter for more than 2 hours.

The team was able to deliver 2 tons of food, purchased also with OIPA donations, to a shelter near Chernivtsi. A part of the entire delivery will be donated and distributed to other needy shelters in Kiev, Odessa and Kharkov.

We’ll continue to provide Casa Lui Patrocle the help they need most on the basis of the shortage of supplies and we’ll contribute to buy food for Ukrainian shelters. Tomorrow 60 small/medium sized pet carriers will be delivered and soon other coats for small dogs, harnesses and leashes.

Casa Lui Patrocle 👉 WebsiteFacebookInstagram



OIPA International is also active with its member leagues and partners in Poland. We are cooperating with Viva! Poland, which has 20 reception points in Warsaw and needs help for pet carriers, kennels, bowls, litters, sands, foods to provide to refugees with animals as well as help for veterinary care and treatment of animals coming from Ukraine.

VIVA!Poland 👉 WebsiteFacebookInstagram

Meanwhile together with our great member league association Fundacja ODIN, which deals in this emergency with transport of animals from Ukraine to Poland , we are organizing delivery of food and supplies that will arrive to OIPA’s member league associations Happy Paw, KSPA Lucky Strand and UA Animals. Yesterday a truck with 3 tons of food and other needed material (4 pallets and 10 boxes in total) left from Gdynia with destination L’Viv. We’ve provided a supply of wet and dry food for dogs and cats, transport cages, litters and trays but we’re preparing a much bigger delivery in the coming days.

Fundacja ODIN 👉 Website – Facebook


KSPA Lucky Strand and Happy Paw


KSPA Lucky Strand 👉 FacebookInstagram

Happy Paw 👉 WebsiteFacebookInstagram

Soon new updates!

❤️ Continue to support our fundraising campaign “Emergency Ukraine” ❤️

🇺🇦 Your help is essential to cooperate with our partners and provide animals of Ukraine all the help and support they need 🇺🇦