The OIPA Code of Ethics contains the basic principles that must be observed by entities wishing to establish any kind of cooperation with the organization.

  1. The entity must respect the rights of animals enshrined in national, European and international law.
  2. The entity must not encourage, nor contribute in any way, to the mistreatment of animals, nor have collaborations with other companies that involve cruelty to animals, regardless of the extent of such mistreatment.
  3. The corporation shall protect the environment to the best of its ability, with the aim of safeguarding the delicate balance of the ecosystem to ensure the health of humans, animals and the environment. To ensure such protection, the entity must adhere to national and international protocols for compliance with social and environmental standards, such as: containment of pollutant emissions; commitment to avoid any negative impact on the environment and the communities in which it operates; responsible, conscientious and optimal use of resources in order to avoid waste, and to better ensure, in the use of its materials and services, including external services, respect for the environment with a view to sustainable development.
  4. The institution must be opposed to vivisection and the use of animals in scientific experimentation.
  5. The institution must not encourage, nor in any way be involved in or facilitate, the illegal trade in animals or animal parts (such as ivory, tusks, hides) that are imported as hunting trophies.
  6. The entity must not be involved in activities that may cause harm and/or suffering to animals.
  7. The entity must not be in favor of, and therefore must not fund: zoos, circuses with animals, hunting and fishing activities, bullfights, folk festivals that involve the use and exploitation of animals, even for entertainment purposes, nor support and/or provide instrumentation and equipment for such activities.
  8. The corporation may not be involved in and/or support activities that, while not causing suffering or mistreatment to animals, have the power to derive an economic benefit from the exploitation or use of animals (e.g., circuses, zoos, animal sales stores, furrieries, butcher stores) excluding those activities that, while making use of an economic or professional advantage, have as their purpose the improvement of animal welfare (e.g., veterinarians, veterinary clinics, stores that sell food or accessories for animals).
  9. The entity shall not be involved in or market products, including semi-finished products, made in Italy or abroad, that involve the use and/or exploitation of human beings and/or animals, including and especially the testing of cosmetics.
  10. The entity shall not produce, either directly or indirectly, food of animal origin for human consumption.