A teamwork and a cooperation that have been lasting for years, OIPA and its member league association ATRA this time have joint forces to support the wonderful project of OIPA Cameroon, their mobile vet clinic.

OIPA and ATRA have decided to help the delegation contributing with a donation to the valuable and precious work that local volunteers keep carry on to save the life of Cameroonian animals.

The mobile vet clinic of OIPA Cameroon is the first and only vet clinic in the country that provides 24/7 free health care and treatment to stray dogs and cats, but also to animals who are desperately in need.

The OIPA Mobile vet clinic receives around 40-50 emergency calls every day and treats more than 400 animals in distress every year, without this service many animals would die.

The mobile unit has been created specifically to treat injured, starving and abused animals. The team is always available for the rescue of tiny kittens and puppies wrenched from their mothers too early or abandoned on the streets and give health care to donkeys and piggles. Recently in Mbatu community, where local people could not afford for the basic care for the animals, the clinic treated over 111 piglets, and more than 33 dogs and cats. This campaign was possible thanks to the financial support of SPCA international that provided also vet supplies.

Once animals are rescued, treated and helped to recover, volunteers try to find for them a permanent and safe home. At least 10 rehabilitated homeless animals every month find adoption thanks to volunteers.

The activity of the mobile vet clinic is additionally reinforced by the research of families willing to adopt responsibly these animals, and daily training and educational activities in schools and communities where volunteers teach the proper care of animals to children and adults trying to change people’s mind at the love and respect for animals.

The mobile clinic of OIPA Cameroon was launched in 2018 and is having a great impact in the lives of many animals,


❤️ if you want you can contribute to this success ❤️