A call during the evening reported a poor feral cat hit by a car. As many times happens, the driver did not stop to assist the animal but left him in atrocious suffering running away.

Our OIPA Azerbaijan’s representative rushed on site with some friends to help the animal, but being too late, she could not find a vet clinic opened at night. The cat’s conditions were very critical. Volunteers immediately decided to give him first aid in order to try save his life. They fostered him until the next morning when he was finally brought to the vet for a medical check and examination.

The vet declared that Lucky has been rescued just on time to survive. The x-ray revealed a serious fracture of the jaw. He had fever because of the infected wound that was also covered by worms due to the long time the cat passed injured and bled under the heat. The wound was cleaned and treated, then Lucky was placed in intensive therapy to have some I.V. He has been treated with medicine and I.V. for an entire week in order to recover him for the surgery planned for the next week.

The pain for the broken jaw was so strong that Lucky was not even able to eat by himself. Volunteers fed him with I.V., but in the last days, the pain has started decreasing so Lucky has got back to eat by himself soft food, all this thanks to treatment and care.

Lucky is now taking additional vitamins and flea drops waiting for the surgery. He is constantly monitored both by vet staff and volunteers.

See some videos:




Lucky needs your help to cover the costs of treatments, medicine, surgery, vet examinations, appropriate food and recovery

There is still a long road ahead for Lucky to be back on truck, but this time we can all be there to support him.