Few days ago, we received a desperate call for help from the mum of an Italian young guy, who was on holidays in Istanbul.
Despite being just robbed – losing passport, money, wallet, documents, and even his mobile phone – he wasn’t able to turn away in front of the eyes of a needy puppy wandering the street. The guy took the weak puppy to the hotel where he was staying, but since he couldn’t assist the dog further, he asked his mum to contact us.
We immediately contacted our local member league “Bir Pati de sen tut Dernegi” and only thanks to their prompt reply, this little warrior could be rescued from the street in less than a day!
“Mbare” – buddy in Sicilian dialect – was taken to a vet clinic for a check. Affected by a severe mange and diarrhea, he luckily resulted negative for parvo and other infective diseases.
Now, he will stay at the vet for a while, taking daily baths for mange and following a specific therapy. Once recovered, he will be available for adoption.
With a small donation, you can help us collect funds to save more puppies like Mbare