Skin and bones, severely emaciated and locked 24 hours a day in small kennels, six dogs held on the property of a hunter were saved by a joint intervention of OIPA animal control officers and OIPA volunteers in Livorno, Italy.
Visibly malnourished, the six dogs were in a state of serious neglect, locked up in narrow and crumbling enclosures, forced to lie in their own feces and urine, and also deprived of water and food. Once the cage doors opened, their happiness was overwhelming. Finally worthy of care and attention, they immediately got into the car without putting up a struggle.
Unfortunately, during the veterinary check-up all six dogs, 3 males and 3 females, were found to be suffering from leishmaniasis and one of them will have to be soon hospitalized to surgically remove a perianal cyst. Five dogs were transferred to a shelter and fostering houses, while luckily the sixth has been promptly adopted.
If you want to help these six sweet dogs who turned out to be very docile and eager for affection or help OIPA Italy to save more animals,
Make a one-time donation or become OIPA monthly supporter

Write note “DONATION TO OIPA” and the exact amount
Bank Account: OIPA – Organizzazione Internazionale Protezione Animali – ONLUS
Bank Name and Address: Banca Intesa San Paolo – Agency MILAN-BOCCHETTO – Via Bocchetto 13/15 – 20123 Milan (Italy)
Bank details:
IBAN Code: IT93I0306909620100000002326
Bank Account Number: 100000002326

Write as reference “DONATION TO OIPA” and the amount