Every life is unique and precious, even that of living beings less tolerated by humans, such as mice.

A little field mouse fell victim to the cruelty of a glue trap was rescued from a terrible death by OIPA’s volunteers in Treviso, Italy.

The rodent had stuck to the glue of a trap placed in a farmhouse for an entire day. Traps that should be banned and which cause, every day, the death and injury of small animals and birds.

Glue traps, also known as glue boards or sticky traps, are a type of non-lethal or restraining rodent trap used mostly to trap rats and mice. The traps are extremely sticky with non-drying adhesive on one side of the surface so that the animals get stuck to the glue boards by their feet or fur when they attempt to run across them. Once trapped, these animals struggle to escape but they remain attached and are then thrown away still stuck to the trap. Glue traps do not in themselves kill rodents, although trapped animals eventually die for exposure, dehydration, starvation, suffocation, and predation or are killed by humans. They endure a prolonged period of suffering, terror, pain and distress before death. Animals can also die from injuries or blood loss as their desperate efforts to escape from the trap result in torn skin and broken legs while some even try to bite through their limbs in an attempt to get away. Birds and other animals can also end up in these traps and then suffer a similar fate.

Volunteers spent several hours to remove all the glue from her little body. Easter, this is the name given her by volunteers, let herself do everything: she was literally exhausted and debilitated.

This little warrior is now fine and she always tries to escape from the temporary cage that volunteers prepared for her waiting for her fur to grow before to give her desired freedom back.




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OIPA – Organizzazione Internazionale Protezione Animali

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Banca Popolare Commercio e Industria
VIA BOCCHETTO, 13 – 20123 Milan – Italy