OIPA closed the online petition to support Mr. Alain Hutchinson – member of the European Parliament.
Mr. Alain Hutchinson MEP, is committed to cooperate for animal welfare and to get a “European Convention Protecting Pets and Stray Animals” passed as soon as possible.
OIPA supports the tenets:
- Severely punish those who publicly abandon an animal;
- Animals should be identified upon purchase by their owner with an electronic chip as the law foresees across Europe as of 2007;
- Severely punish all mistreatment of animals in accordance with a future law to be applied throughout the European Union; and
- Establish a policy of birth control, i.e. draw up a budget with the aim of:
- Organizing and funding a Europe-wide trap, neuter, release and vaccination program for millions of stray animals in Europe;
- Constructing shelters that conform to the norms in place within the EU;
- Subsidizing these shelters to ensure that the animals are comfortably housed, fed and treated in time; and
- Financing the post of a shelter director for each shelter and ensure that his role is carried out to a minimum Europe wide standard.
- Thanks for signing the OIPA’s petition. The signatures have been delivered to the office of the MEP. Thank you for helping us make a difference in the lives of so many by spreading the message of compassion and respect for all animals.