On the 15th of April, the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) “End the Cage Age” will be present at a public hearing held by the European Parliament and jointly organized by the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Parliament, in association with the Committee on Petitions.

Essentially, the hearing is a chance to point out the urgent need of a ban on cages across all species and all EU markets and to propose legislation to prohibit the use.

The citizens committee will represent the 1.4 million people who have signed the initiative. The initiative registered on 5 September 2018 and then submitted to the European Commission.

No decisions will be taken on the day, but the outcome of the hearing will be key as it is likely to influence the Commission’s decision and the future debate in the European Parliament.

📌You are invited to follow the hearing that will be broadcast live on the EP’s website.

📌 The full programme can be viewed here

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