More than 140 scientists are supporting a citizens’ call to end the use of cages for farmed animals in the EU. Among them is the world-renowned ethologist and conservationist Jane Goodall, PhD, DBE, UN Messenger of Peace and founder of the Jane Goodall Institute.

In a letter to the European Commission, the scientists state their full support to the 1.4 million people who recently signed the ‘End the Cage Age’ European citizens’ initiative, launched by a coalition of 170 European NGOs, OIPA included, led by Eurogroup for Animals’ member organisation Compassion in World Farming. The Initiative urges the EU to phase out the use of all cages in farming. Among them the world-renowned ethologist and conservationist Mrs. Jane Goodall – PhD, DBE, UN Messenger of Peace and founder of the Jane Goodall Institute.

In a letter addressed to the European Commission, the scientists state their full support to the 1.4 million people who recently signed the ‘End the Cage Age’ European citizens’ initiative, launched by a coalition of 170 European NGOs, OIPA included, and led by the Eurogroup for Animals’ member organisation Compassion in World Farming. The initiative urges the EU to phase out the use of all cages in farming.


Dr Goodall called, with the submission of the letter, for an end to the use of cages in animal farming: “Most people today understand that birds are sentient beings. We have observed hens rescued from factory farms – each had a different personality and all showed emotions such as pleasure and fear. A growing body of scientific researches support this, and there can be no doubt that life crammed into a small cage causes great suffering. The EU needs to take action in defence of millions of hens and other animals treated in this cruel manner.”

Despite the EU Treaty recognizes that animals as sentient beings, over 300 million pigs, hens, rabbits, ducks and quail are confined in cages all over Europe. Most cages are barren, cramped, and animals do not have even sufficient space to move freely. Scientific research shows that cages have severe negative effects disadvantages on animal welfare, which the letter explains in details. Moving away from the cage farming would bring a seismic shift in our food and farming system and would potentially benefit hundreds of millions of animals a year.


“It is very important to have Dr Jane Goodall and all the other scientists on board to support the initiative,” said Max Pradella, Chairman of OIPA International. “With 1.4 million EU citizens and more than 170 European organisations, dozens of Members of the European Parliament and the European Committee of the Regions backing the “End the Cage Age” campaign, it is now up to the European Commission to take a strong stance and to commit to revising the legislation that will End the Cage Age for good. We will anyway never stop to promote the best option to save millions of animals a year which is s a plant-based and vegan diet!


In October 2020, the European Commission received the European Citizens’ Initiative calling for an end to the use of cages in EU farming. The ‘End the Cage Age’ Initiative was signed by 1.4 million people across Europe and is only the sixth successful Initiative since the EU launched this democracy tool eight years ago. It is the very first successful Initiative for farmed animals. The initiative is also supported by over 170 organisations, a group of cross-party Members of the European Parliament and the European Committee of the Regions.

READ THE LETTER (Scientists support an end to caged farming throughout the EU)