In recent weeks, OIPA International has continued to offer aid to animals impacted by the earthquake in Turkey. As often happens, after the first few weeks in which public attention is very high, we tend to forget that unfortunately the consequences of these type of natural disasters will persist for a long time.
After a natural disaster and in the months to come, many activities and life-saving work still need to be considered. The rescue of animals stuck in buildings and of those abandoned in evacuated areas; the assistance to injured or sick animals through adequate veterinary care and treatment; the distribution of food and water, and finally the building of new shelters for strays who, having increased in number, roam the streets and the suburb of affected cities.
Following the call for help of “Ayrancı Patisi” rescue team, OIPA provided 10 cage traps that were used by volunteers in Hatay, Maraş and Malatya to transfer some cats, reported to be abandoned among the rubble, to safer places.
Our delegation in Turkey together with other local volunteers could build 90 homemade wooden houses for stray dogs of Osmaniye, giving them a secure place where to rest and find shelter from the bad weather. In addition, OIPA International purchased 2,4 tons of dry food for dogs and cats distributed to volunteers in the city of Elbistan, and soon delivered to other affected cities.
OIPA International also funded transfer costs and veterinary care for 23 cats and a dog with scabies rescued in Hatay by our member league association “Bir Pati de sen tut“, whose volunteers had already been helped in a previous rescue operation. Transferred in 6 different veterinary clinics of Ankara, all animals found dehydrated and affected by urinary infection, however they immediately received care and assistance including blood tests, x-rays, parasitic treatment. Among the rescued animals, three pregnant cats gave birth to kittens. Thanks to the hard work of our member league, most of the rescue cats have already been adopted and they will be welcomed into their new homes after being sterilized.
Thanks to the campaign “Earthquake Emergency”, OIPA International has supported its member league associations and local volunteers on all fronts, and this time with the financial contribution of a very special partner, the US organization SPCA International. We are infinitively grateful to SPCA for helping our organization assist animals in distress.
Even though the earth has stopped shaking, animals still need us. Read the updates of our campaign “Earthquake Emergency” and let’s help them together.


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OIPA – Organizzazione Internazionale Protezione Animali
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IBAN: IT93I0306909620100000002326
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Banca Popolare Commercio e Industria
VIA BOCCHETTO, 13 – 20123 Milan – Italy