Thanks to your generous donations, we’ve been able to help one more time OIPA Turkey’s volunteers and stray animals they daily take care for.

This time not solely providing food but contributing to the vet care necessary to some of the animals they have recently rescued.

A three months kitten, found in the forest extremely weak with a corneal ulcer caused by a severe eye infection. Thanks to your help he was treated with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, supplements and vitamins.

A four months puppy affected by parvovirus was treated with fluid therapy and another puppy of five months affected by acute bronchitis and intestinal parasites treated with antibiotics, supplements and vitamins.

Finally, three abandoned pit bulls (2 females and 1 male) could have been spayed/neutered, chipped and transferred to a safer place.

❤️ Thanks to all of you and thanks to whom will continue to help stray animals in Turkey now that it’s winter time and they live out in the cold ❤️