A resident in Kalanki, Kathmandu (Nepal) gave the team of Voice of Animal Nepal a call, after seeing a dog badly injured on the side of a road, informing about the situation and asking for help.

Volunteers rushed immediately to the place and when they arrived, the poor dog was lying down discouraged and afraid. Only to kill the time, a heartless person hit the dog with no reason using a catapult, causing a deep bleeding wound above the eye. VOAN team started treating the dog administering some first aid medication to stop the bleeding and avoid infections, but he was so scared that had to be muzzled for a while to facilitate the medication and the transfer to a vet clinic.

Now, the dog is hospitalized and his health condition is stable. At the moment, VOAN team still does not know how many days it will take for him to recover as the doctor unfortunately diagnosed a transmissible venereal tumour (TVT) yet the prognosis for total remission with chemotherapy or radiation therapy is good, treatment is very expensive and Voice of Animal Nepal needs your support to cover the costs.

Help our member league VOAN!

HOW? You can donate directly to Voice of Animal Nepal (website) or support OIPA’s project “Save a Stray”, a project created to help our delegations and member league associations that assist stray animals in many countries of the world.