OIPA’s international family is growing. We are happy to announce Dobra Nada/GOOD HOPE as our new member league association.

Dobra Nada is a shelter for abandoned pets managed by a small animal rescue team that has been helping street dogs and cats in Novi Sad, Serbia, for over 20 years. Laslo and Snezana, the only 2 members, have helped dozens of animals. They started out as independent rescuers and then decided to finance a shelter for those animals to give them the opportunity of a second life. They have also paid vet expenses and food for cats and dogs for years all by themselves and successfully rehomed many cats and dogs to responsible animal lovers.  It was never easy, but their love for animals and their devotion kept them going forward.

In the last few years, due to the increased number of abandoned pets on the streets and the economic difficulties, they faced a lot of stressful situations and sleepless nights thinking on how to help their beloved animals.

Sadly, as with all the good people, Laslo passed away in August 2020 at the age of 64, leaving Snezana alone to take care of 61 dogs and 17 cats. Without any regular sponsors, she continues mostly by herself to manage shelter activities including feeding and cleaning every day, as well as rehoming animals.  There are 2 volunteers who go to the shelter to help Snezana twice a week, but most of the work, sadly, depends upon her and it’s too much just for one lady.

The shelter is located on a property outside of the city, where there is no electricity or running water, and winters get very cold there. Conditions at the shelter are pretty modest, but all animals are happy and feel to be protected in a secure place. All of them are well socialized and they are also neutered/spayed and vaccinated. It would be necessary to start some maintenance works but money received from donations are necessary to cover the cost of food.

Dogs need 650 kilos of dry food per month and in winter even more as they need more energy staying in outside kennels. Cats need 270 cans and 70 kilos of dry food per month.

In addition to food cost, there are monthly expenses for transport too. Snezana needs to cross about 75 km every day to arrive at the shelter and back to her home and she doesn’t own a car. She spends money for transportation and if she has to bring food, supplies or go to the vet with animals, Snezana has to ask friends to step in, which is not always possible. She is now 52 years old and not in her best health. She is trying to stay strong for the animals.

Please don’t let Snezana and Laslo’s sacrifice and hard work for abandoned animals be in vain!

❤ Help paws of ‘Dobra Nada’ stay safe and fed until they manage to find loving forever homes! ❤

You donations will be used for food, medicine, vet examinations and treatments, supplies for the shelter.

👉 Facebook Page: Dobra Nada/Good Hope – Instagram: @dobranada