[cs_video column_size=”1/1″ video_url=”https://youtu.be/aJ6ddzTJEi0″ video_width=”500″ video_height=”250″][/cs_video]

A family home to welcome cats with past story of mistreatments and abandonment. A space where even disabled animals can find their own dimension. It is called “Disabland” the project started by OIPA Rovigo’s volunteers, a little big dream which is shaping thanks to an apartment used as a shelter, where are received some particularly unlucky cats that, because of violence or road accidents, remained injured or wounded and lost the use of one or both the hind paws. Unique cats, special in their diversity, which are entitled to have the opportunity of life, that has suddenly been torn.

In our little refuge, created ad hoc for them, there are already five hosts, all joined by similar story, such as Eva’s one, young little cat victim of an unprecedented cruelness: hit with a stick by some kids, to the point of procuring a fracture of the spine, today Eva cannot move her hind paws, but thanks to OIPA Rovigo’s volunteers, she gets all the needed care, and is now awaiting to find a loving family who will love her for what she is.

In the belief that there is not just one way to be happy, and that diversity is not always synonymous of sadness, OIPA Rovigo’s blue angels wanted to offer to these cats a place where they can spend a dignified life, assisted until the moment they will be able to find a family which love them despite their disabilities

Due to the numberless help requests faced by Rovigo’ OIPA volunteers, within the limits of its capacity, the shelter aims to be a point of help and support for those who come to help disabled cats without knowing how to handle them, as well as an alternative to the suppression that many times is proposed for damaged animals despite their young age and will to live.

Obviously, vet care, as well as drugs have a cost that the volunteers are trying to face with their own resources, but expenses are always a lot, that is why OIPA Rovigo’s volunteers ask for an economic aid to whoever wishes to participate in a certainly ambitious projects, but full of satisfaction, because saving the life of sentient beings has an unpayable value.

It is possible to help “Disabland”’s cats with a small donation, that will support all the volunteers in the purchase of the necessary medicament and for paying veterinarian cures.
Even the smallest help can make a huge difference.

If you would like to help DISABLAND Project donate here:

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International Organization for Animal Protection
via Gian Battista Brocchi 11
I-20131 Milano
Phone: (+39) 02 6427882
Fax: (+39) 02 99980650
Email: international@oipa.org

Write Causal “DISABLAND– OIPA INTERNATIONAL” and the exact amount
Registered person: OIPA – Organizzazione Internazionale Protezione Animali

Banca Popolare Commercio e Industria Agency MILAN-BOCCHETTO
VIA BOCCHETTO, 13 – 20123 Milan – Italy

Banking coordinate
IBAN: IT52 M 05048 01604 0000000 18458

Write Causal “DISABLAND– OIPA INTERNATIONAL” and the exact amount
