Not only cats and dogs deserve care and love!
Many people use to think that love for animals could rise exclusively for pets who share the home with us, but there are life stories that can teach us much more and show that the relationship between humans and animals can be so special to go beyond any speciesism.
As it happened to a man and his companion animals, a touching love story that has warmed the heart of OIPA Corsica’s volunteers and have had a strong impact on them. Volunteers couldn’t turn back and have decided to lend a hand.
They have been helping a needy man who lives in solitude and in precarious conditions with his animals (10 dogs, a cow and a donkey) for already two months. His home is an old caravan without water and electricity placed in the outskirts of the city and not having economic resources even for himself, OIPA Corsica has decided to support him providing food for his animals. Volunteers collect weekly big bags of unsold bread from bakeries and with some pet food collection, they are able to supply him every 15-20 days enough food to support his animals for some weeks, until the next journey will come. Last week, volunteers brought him four huge bags of bread and approximately 120 kg of dry and wet food for his 10 dogs, Mirelle the cow and Asterix the donkey.
The love that Mr. Marcel feels for all his animals is something truly tangible and pure. His animals are the reason for him to smile, to live and to hope . Municipality tried to evict Marcel from the public land occupied with his caravan offering him a different housing solution, but he immediately refused the proposal, as he couldn’t have the chance to bring his beloved animals with him.
Marcel said that he would never leave his animals alone, no matter what and no matter why.
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