Buy only products from the positive list.

Unfortunately, even nearly all the ingredients of the Positive List have been tested on animals, even if it wasn’t necessary by law.

There’s nevertheless a very good reason to buy products containing just these ingredients: make the producers and politicians understand that we OPPOSE to this shameful legislative situation, in order to abolish these laws and decrees that impose animal testing. This approach has proved to be working so far: the pressures of the public opinion on governments and producers are sorting the desired effect. In Britain for example, no company conducts these test anymore, and we have to work in order to make this happen world-wide.

Just keep in mind that “finished product not tested on animals” or similar writings don’t mean anything interesting, since what counts are the ingredients.

Concerning washing powders, the only solution is using the choice we have as consumers: buy products of the companies that use biodegradable components (less harmful for air, water and soil) AND that decided NOT to use ingredients obtained through animal killings, and NOT to experiment on them the finished product.

The writing “not tested on animals” doesn’t mean anything in this case as well.