Millions of dogs live on the streets in rural communities of Cameroon. Many of them have no one to care for them and survive by eating trash and scraps of food. A root cause of the problem is the lack and animals welfare education in these communities. It also poses serious danger to human and the environment as well. These dogs have countless puppies every year that are born into suffering.
For the first time, a campaign is launched to spay/neuter, treat and vaccinate stray and owned animals in rural communities of the North West region of Cameroon. The campaign was launched on the 18th of June 2016, the event saw the treatment of over 100 owned dogs and cats plus 37 stray dogs. The will also educate the communities on animal welfare care and protection.
OIPA Cameroon started a campaign to spay/neuter, treat and vaccinate stray dogs to prevent them from reproducing. Widespread sterilization programs like this are the only method that is demonstrated to effectively reduce street dog populations. OIPA Cameroon vaccinates the dogs to protect them from rabies and common canine diseases.