OIPA is present at international level with more than 200 Member Leagues
and several Delegations throughout the world
International Relation Office
Joining Associations
What are member leagues?
Single associations, one or more for each country, that can be admitted to the Organization as joining associations.
Why become member league?
OIPA International has carried out a fight for animal rights for years, by intervening on the field and remotely through the launching of campaigns and petitions. To do so, OIPA collaborates with over 200 other associations all over the world, which allows us to be always informed and ready to take action. This is why we treasure international cooperation and invite you, if you share our values and the will to help and protect animals, to join us in this cause.
What do you need to become member league?
OIPA International highly rates organizations carrying out animal and/or environment defense and protection activities, or public health programs. Aspiring member leagues are kindly asked to fulfill the form below, state that they completely accept the Organization’s statute and enclose their own in the request. A member league, whose request has been accepted by the Board of Directors, is admitted to the Organization, and commits to carry out animal and/or environment defense and protection activities, or public health programs, in accordance with its means and skills, and in the best interest of animals and of the society.
All member leagues maintain their complete independence and cooperate in the best interest of animals and of the society.
Adhering is completely free of charge, as is our further cooperation.
A member league ceases to be part of the Organization in case of:
a) exclusion due to the Board’s decision, who is not compelled to give motivation;
b) voluntary dismissal through a registered letter that explains the reasons;
c) internal dissolution.