Our representative in Azerbaijan has shared a news that left us speechless.

Today, Deputy Tahir Karimli, member of Azerbaijani Milli Mejlis (National Assembly) has proposed to export stray dogs of Azerbaijan to China and Korea as a solution to the issue of homeless dog population.

Deputy Tahir Karimli declared: “There should be a solution to street dogs. Let’s export the dogs to China, Korea, or find a solution in some other way. We are tired of stray dogs, let’s feed them to the Chinese and Koreans.”

Our representative commented: “Today when the whole world, all compassionate people from all over the world, many deputies and members of Parliament from all over the world, as well as all international organizations for the protection of animals are fighting the dog meat trade in China and Korea and they are trying to stop the terrible torment of dogs slaughtered for food consumption, our deputy came out with this declaration! He said that there are a lot of stray dogs and they make people nervous and he never mentioned as SOLUTİON TNVR (trap, neuter, spay, release)! The deputy publicly affirmed this, despite the fact that Azerbaijan is one of the first countries to have signed the European Convention on the protection of Animals. I would like to underline that, in my country, stray dog population is controlled by shooting and poisoning animals by official employees of executive authorities of Azerbaijan. I think now you all understood why there is no animal protection laws in my country reading all this.

Animal rights defender Farid Mansurov replied the deputy and demanded him to apologize.

Read the news:



(*source photo: 1newz.az)