Asia has got an fate: she has only few months and no one that can take care of her. Without a mom, she had faced cold and malnutrition. The story of Asia begins with an alarming report to OIPA volunteers: “Please run! There’s a puppy in the street in poor conditions, she needs help!”.

It’s already dark in the parking lot of a shopping center, when the OIPA volunteers come running on the spot. They can barely see between the cars in the distance a creature that moves with difficulty. It’s a little dog, just one kilo and a half of weight, walking on the elbows of the front legs, looking for a shelter from the rain.

The animal guards immediately call the fire fighters and take the dog to the veterinarian for emergency health checks. However, radiographs have shown that there were no fractures to the front legs, as it was initially supposed. The dog, of only 2 months of life, has not been run over. The deformity of the legs is due to a severe form of malnutrition, probably caused by a premature separation from the mother.

Asia, so named by OIPA volunteers, was recovered and her legs were splinted. Once healed she was welcomed in the heathcare shelter, where OIPA volunteers look after her.

Now the little dog, three months old, is getting better: she walks on her paws, but she is continuing treatment and a specific diet to face the weakness also found in the back limbs, as a result of the malnutrition.

OIPA volunteers are taking care of Asia with love and dedication, hoping that she will have a better future. Now they need your help to find a family and to support all veterinary costs.




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International Organization for Animal Protection
via Gian Battista Brocchi 11
I-20131 Milano
Phone: (+39) 02 6427882
Fax: (+39) 02 99980650

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Registered person: OIPA – Organizzazione Internazionale Protezione Animali

Banca Popolare Commercio e Industria Agency MILAN-BOCCHETTO
VIA BOCCHETTO, 13 – 20123 Milan – Italy

Banking coordinate
IBAN: IT52 M 05048 01604 0000000 18458

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