The first quarter of 2021 has been very profitable for the welfare of street animals in Cambodia thanks to the great work and commitment of the team of our member league association ARC.

Between January and March 2021, the association not only coordinated the rescue mission of 61 dogs from the FIRST-EVER official confiscation in the Siem Reap dog meat trade industry, in collaboration with the Siem Reap government and other animal welfare partners, but it also coordinated the rescue mission of 16 dogs from a dog slaughterhouse closure in Skun. A big step forward against the dog meat trade in the country.

In addition to rescue activities, they spayed/neutered 160 animals as practise to control overpopulation among homeless animals and provided 174 rabies and 114 core vaccinations to avoid the spread of diseases among street animals and reduce the risk of rabies transmission to humans.

Animal Rescue Cambodia provided 215kg of food, reaching 445 cats and 93 dogs at 12 Buddhist pagodas, to relieve the burden on local communities in these tough Covid-times.

ARC showed the lovely resident children at a pagoda how to care for a mama dog and her puppies. This can be something as simple as keeping the area where the mom and her puppies stay clean and giving them space to rest and eat. The kids love helping animals and learn to take on responsibility and taking initiative. ARC showed residents easy and practical tips on how they can better care for the stray animals in their community. Work on community outreach benefits everyone involved and helps to improve animal welfare sustainably long-term.

You can support the wonderful work of our friends of ARC for homeless animals in Cambodia

❤️ Their smiles are worth more than any other explanation ❤️