OIPA – International Organization for Animal Protection – ONLUS is a non-governmental and non-profit animal welfare organization that works in defence of animal rights and for the protection of animals from cruelty, abuse and exploitation at worldwide level.
The organization was founded in Switzerland in 1981 by Mrs. Milly Shär Manzoli and belongs to the Union for the Abolition of Vivisection.
OIPA is associated with the UN Department of Global Communications, the UN Economic and Social Council, accredited at UN Environment Assembly and Programme, and listed as representative of interests in the Transparency Register of the European Commission. It is recognized as 501 (c) (3) public charity and it is member of the Aquatic Animal Alliance (AAA), the Global Waste Cleaning Network (GWCN), and observer of the World Federation for Animals (WFA).
The organization is registered in Italy where team of volunteers are actively engaged in more than 110 cities and where animals control officers constantly verify reported cases of animal cruelty and abuse in over 70 Italian provinces.
OIPA International center:
Via Sant’Ambrogio 12 – I-20816 Ceriano Laghetto (MB) – Italy
OIPA Head Office:
via Gian Battista Brocchi – I – 20131 Milano (Italy)
Our organization does also work with success at international level. OIPA works with its foreign delegations and member league associations all over the world. OIPA delegations, with their own team and national representative, act as detached offices focusing on local campaigns, projects and activities; while OIPA member leagues are affiliated associations that cooperate with OIPA on achieving common objectives for animals.
Our primary purpose is to defend and protect animals, no one excluded: companion animals, stray animals, farmed animals, aquatic animals and wild animals! We actively support the change towards a world cruelty free, because animals are sentient and do not deserve to suffer.
Our main activities involve: the rescuing of injured, sick and abandoned animals; the feeding, assistance and care of stray dogs and cats; the collaboration with public and private shelters as well as local associations; interventions for wildlife protection; foster and adoption of animals. OIPA supports the ethical and humane stray population control pushing local governments and
municipalities to replace the brutal culling of street animals implementing the practice of TNVR and raising
awareness in local communities through informative and educational campaigns. OIPA joins international initiatives
and campaigns on a wide range of fields, such as the end of fur farming, the ban of animal testing, intensive farming,
dog and cat meat trade, greyhound race, zoos and aquariums, hunting, wildlife trade, abandonment, illegal pet trade,
and many other issues.
It also follows the purpose of improving the public health through the abolishment of any kind of animal experiment throughout the world. The Organization also works for environmental defence, where precarian ecological conditions may damage the human health and animal and vegetal life in their wholeness. The Organization wants to bring its contribute for a better, a healthier and a more human world, for a medical science that is not based on violence, for a more efficient sanitarian structure, for an ecologically clean environment.
The activities of OIPA are based exclusively on non-violence and non-infringement of individual personal liberty.
The primary aim of OIPA is the abolishment of vivisection in every country throughout the world.
For the scientific area, OIPA can count on the collaboration of specialists working in the medical and research area, LIMAV- International Doctors.
International Doctors is an international legacy of doctors from different countries who fight against vivisection on a scientific level.
The objects of International Doctors are to support better methods of scientific and medical research for curing disease and testing products without animals.
International Doctors are active in:
– Organising international scientific congresses against vivisection
– Publishing strict scientific documents in order to prove the uselessness of vivisection
– Promoting conferences and debates by agencies, schools and universities world-wide
– Funding researches that don’t use animals
– Stimulating the development of truly scientific techniques, therefore without the involvement of animals
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