The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is an international organization that has been working since 1972 to fight climate change, protect the environment and support countries towards a sustainable development.

Its headquarters are located in Nairoby, Kenia, but also operates in different parts of the world in partnership with governments and the scientific community for the development and implementation of environmental laws and policies. The governing body of UNEP is the United Nations Environment Assembly, with universal membership of 193 members. The Assembly sets the global environmental agenda and makes strategic decisions on environmental sustainability.

The programme’s goal in to inform, enable and inspire nations and people to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations. Some of the actions comprehend:

The programme’s goal in to inform, enable and inspire nations and people to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations. Some of the actions comprehend:

– Healing the ozone layer and controlling climate change;

– Strengthening environmental laws;

– Financing sustainable land use;

– Ending illegal trade in wildlife products;

– Cleaning up the oceans;

– Inspiring sustainable consumption and production.

Major Groups and Stakeholders, represented by NGOs which are accredited to UNEP, have the opportunity to participate in the Assembly’s meetings and provide written and oral imputs, as they play a central role in providing expertise and scientific knowledge, informing governments of local needs and opinions, as well as identifying practical policy decisions.

One of the main duties of UNEP in to monitor the global environmental situation to ensure that emerging problems and issues are appropriately addressed by governments. Accredited NGOs provide imput to the development of strategies and participate in project implementation.

OIPA has now been officially accredited, meaning that as an organization we can contribute even more to the protection of our planet!

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