Last November 14, a friend, an animal rights activist left this world. Karin was a young woman, she lived in the city of Chillan, Chile. She was well known in the area for her commitment towards saving mistreated and abandoned animals, always at the forefront when it came to rescue a cat or dog.

But she felt lonely and suffered from major depression. One day, last Thursday, she made her final decision. She slit her wrists at her place in front of her beloved four-legged friends.

When her friends realised what was happening, it was already too late. Her last words were for her pets. With her last forces, she asked her friend Margarita to take care of her pets and look for a new family for them.

She had fifteen pets: 10 dogs and 5 cats; all of them had been rescued from the street.

Even in the pain for their loss of a friend, OIPA and freelance volunteers jumped into action to find a forever family to Karin’s pets. OIPA vice-representative Angela featured in a TV program (‘Coffee Break’, Canal 21) and told the story of Karin and her pets.

Fortunately, and thanks to the efforts of the volunteers, ALL Karin’s pets have been adopted in a few days! We are very sure she would have been happy to see this.

The sad story of Karin should make us reflect: it may be wise to consider, who will look after my pet when I die? You cannot simply assume your pet will be taken on by friends or family members. Actually this doesn’t happen that often.

For this, it is a wide idea to include your pets in your will. Also, you should have a real conversation with your family members about looking after your pets, so as to be sure that your pet’s welfare is taken into account when you pass away.

It is a big responsibility to have one or more pets, and if we really love them, we have a moral duty to plan for our pets after we are gone.

A warm hug to Karin’s family and friends – both human and nonhuman.

Read more about OIPA activities in Chile here