It took one hour by car to reach Ringo, stray dog reported to OIPA Volunteers as very ill and with a problem on his legs. The dog was spotted in a small village in the countryside in central Italy. OIPA volunteers couldn’t collect many information about the dog: apparently a tourist fed him in the last months but the animals doesn’t have a real owner now.

ringo-teramo-1-1600x1200According to the information collected, the dog belonged to a shepherd, whom accidentally ran over the animal, but didn’t provide proper vet therapies. Therefore Ringo never recover completely from this accident. Victim of the terrible lack of care of this owner, this sweet dog of 6 years old survived, till now, with several bones fractures, which healed without vet surgeries and make him unable to walk normally.

Unable to walk, Ringo spend his days laying on the floor or barely aboul to crawl. He can never stand completely and vets assume that he feels severe pain on his joints.

Since the gravity of his situation, OIPA volunteers ran many tests with the vet in order to discover what could be done to help him. After the visit of the orthopedic vet, two bones fractures were founded in both front paws and one in the back paw. The most urgent in the right paw was fixed with a surgery and at the moment Ringo is recovering from the operation.

Vets have pringo-4-1600x1200lanned two more surgeries for the fractures. Each surgery costs about 1800 euros, OIPA volunteers launched an appeal to support this operations.

Ringo is being fed, hosted for free and rescued by OIPA volunteers, but in order to afford the expensive vet therapies Ringo needs the solidarity of everyone.

The sweet Ringo despite the cruelty of his previous owner, still shows love and trusts in humans, he doesn’t deserve to be abandoned to his destiny once again.

Support Ringo and help OIPA to afford the vet surgeries to give him back his dignity!

Thank you



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International Organization for Animal Protection
via Gian Battista Brocchi 11
I-20131 Milano
Phone: (+39) 02 6427882
Fax: (+39) 02 99980650

Write Causal “RINGO OIPA” and the exact amount
Registered person: OIPA – Organizzazione Internazionale Protezione Animali

Banca Popolare Commercio e Industria Agency MILAN-BOCCHETTO
VIA BOCCHETTO, 13 – 20123 Milan – Italy

Banking coordinate
IBAN: IT52 M 05048 01604 0000000 18458

Write Causal “RINGO OIPA” and the exact amount
