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Looking at them you can’t even think they are dogs.
Walking skeletons and visibly sick, three greyhounds Afghans lived locked up in a private home in Camogli near Genoa, in neglected conditions as to bring them close of death.
Thanks to a warning, after two visits with local Police and veterinary ASL, the OIPA Animal Guards have managed to steal the dogs to the ill-treatment they were subjected.
The elderly owner, already looked after by social services, has hindered the operations, tugging the animal guards and pushing them out of the house. In fact, the woman claimed that dogs were not in bad shape.
“This is an other case in which the social disease of a person becomes ill-treatment to animals – explains Giuliana Luppi, coordinator of the OIPA Genoa animal guards team – “Who takes care about people with this kind of problem, such as social services, must consider the suffering of animals, because they are victims unable to escape from unbearable living conditions. So it is necessary to act as a team to rescue both, people and animals. “
The dogs, two males and one female, were subjected to seizure and the woman was sued for animal abuse and for not suitable and cruel detention.
The animals have been transfer to the kennel and visited: the veterinary pointed out the deep state of malnutrition and dehydration of the dogs, as well as suffering from dermatitis and alopecia.
To support greyhounds’ recovery treatments make a donation – CAUSAL: GREYHOUND OIPA GENOA
Thank you
If you would like to help the volunteers taking care of Ettore donate here:
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International Organization for Animal Protection
via Gian Battista Brocchi 11
I-20131 Milano
Phone: (+39) 02 6427882
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Email: international@oipa.org
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