The words of the mayor of Sangineto (Italy), Michele Guardia, creak when he comments the sadistic and inhuman killing of a stray dog by four young boys in the country’s countryside, paying more attention on the “disbelief for what happened” and on the “repentance and social recovery of these young boys”, rather on taking a strong stance in the name of all Municipality, to assure that the punishment imposed is the maximum expected for the animal killing offense.
OIPA, as well as activates with a civil action, while awaiting the beginning of the criminal proceeding as a result of the Sangineto’s Carabineers’ complaint, presented a formal request letter to Sangineto’s Municipality, so that it will take part in the civil action and considers the link, already widely proved through different scientific studies, between the violence against animals and violence against persons.
The case at issue presents a series of aggravating circumstances which do not let to wind up everything, hoping in the repentance of the responsibles. The murder happens with a particular cruelty and sadism, against a defenceless living being and by young boys which have shown extreme pride of their act, to the point of filming and publishing it online, an evidence that there was no regret nor perception of the evil and pain caused to the dog and to all community.
OIPA and many other national and local associations of animal protection give life to a massive movement of protest which will foresee, along with online initiatives, a local day event that will give voice to the outrage and the pain of all those who do not only care about animal rights, but at the same time ask for an exemplary punishment for the torture and the death of Angelo, as the dog has been renamed, and for the insult the public sensitiveness suffered.
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International Organization for Animal Protection
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