[cs_video column_size=”1/1″ video_url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iv3ma9n-Yl4&feature=youtu.be” video_width=”500″ video_height=”250″][/cs_video]

OIPA volunteers found Valerie, a pregnant female dog, close by the Pergusa Lake. She was digging in the ground to make a hole for her puppies, she was getting ready to give birth to them. She has not a microchip and she was too friendly to be a straydog, so the volunteers thought that probably she was abandoned because she was pregnant. Such a sad story, who would do something like that? Leave in the street your own dog while is pregnant, there are no excuses for this action! Luckily the OIPA volunteers found her!

The volunteers took her to a safe and comfortable place and there she give birth to ten sweet puppies, 5 males and 5 females. Valerie is two years old and now the volunteers need food and tools to take care of her and her puppies.

If you want to help Valerie and make a donation use the Casual: “Valerie – OIPA International”

Thanks to our volunteers there will always be hope for all animals in difficult alla round the world!

Enjoy the pictures of the puppies and their mom and the video!

[cs_services cs_service_type=”modern” cs_service_icon_type=”icon” icon=”Choose Icon” service_bg_imagegmn50yvrbJ=”Browse” service_icon_size=”fa-2x” cs_service_bg_color=”#c7e2e2″ cs_service_postion_modern=”top-left” cs_service_postion_classic=”left” cs_service_title=”CONTRIBUTE NOW”]OIPA
International Organization for Animal Protection
via Gian Battista Brocchi 11
I-20131 Milano
Phone: (+39) 02 6427882
Fax: (+39) 02 99980650
Email: international@oipa.org

Write Causal “ETNA – OIPA INTERNATIONAL” and the exact amount
Registered person: OIPA – Organizzazione Internazionale Protezione Animali

Banca Popolare Commercio e Industria Agency MILAN-BOCCHETTO
VIA BOCCHETTO, 13 – 20123 Milan – Italy

Banking coordinate
IBAN: IT52 M 05048 01604 0000000 18458

Write Causal “ETNA – OIPA INTERNATIONAL” and the exact amount
