ETNA – She was rescued one month ago by OIPA volunteers in Teramo (Italy), she was lost and abandoned along the street, she had a severe wound in the head and she was underfed.
She needed several therapied and treatments to recover, and she hasn’t finished yet but she is doing b
etter and gaining some weight.
The wound on her head is healed, but she has to treat the leishmania.
At the moment Etna is ready to be adopted, she is a small size and she is 7 years old.
A big thank for your donation and support from Etna and all OIPA Team!
Hidden among underbrush, Etna’s tormented body was dying on the roadside. It would have been a horrible end if volunteers from OIPA Teramo’s eco – zoophile guards would not have rushed to promptly help her, after the arrival of a reporting.
Crouched on herself, Etna was petrified with fear. Completely skinny, this one-year-old dog had a profound injury on the head and presented numerous wounds all over her little body.
Cachectic and seriously malnourished, Etna has urgently been transported to a veterinarian clinic, where it is also found a total blindness of the right eye. Her dramatic health conditions, observed by clinical investigations, revels a general carelessness, which suggest that Etna was homeless, abandoned to herself and that injuries on her body and her head have been caused by the attacks of some dogs.
In addition of being terrified by anyone who went beside her, Etna was so debilitated that, in her first days after the recovery, she did nothing but eat and sleep, regaining 700 gr.
Moreover, from blood analysis emerged that the little dog is positive to rickettsiosis, an infection transmitted by the tick’s bite, and to leishmanial, as well as being heavily anaemic.
Accommodate at a domestic stall, currently Etna is rescuing her energy, even if she has to follow a long therapy, primarily antibiotics in order to eradicate the rickettsiosis, and then for the leishmanial.
Per garantire un futuro a questa piccola cagnolina, gli angeli blu dell’OIPA di Teramo chiedono l’aiuto di tutti. Chiunque sia in grado di aiutarli ad affrontare il costo delle spese veterinarie e dell’acquisto dei farmaci per le cure di Etna sarà di grande supporto.
To ensure a future to this little dog, OIPA Teramo’s blue angels ask for everyone’s help. Anyone who has the possibility to help them facing veterinary expenses and the cost of the pharms’ purchase for Etna’s treatments will be of great support.
If you would like to help the volunteers taking care of Etna donate here:
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International Organization for Animal Protection
via Gian Battista Brocchi 11
I-20131 Milano
Phone: (+39) 02 6427882
Fax: (+39) 02 99980650
Write Causal “ETNA – OIPA INTERNATIONAL” and the exact amount
Registered person: OIPA – Organizzazione Internazionale Protezione Animali
Banca Popolare Commercio e Industria Agency MILAN-BOCCHETTO
VIA BOCCHETTO, 13 – 20123 Milan – Italy
Banking coordinate
IBAN: IT52 M 05048 01604 0000000 18458
Write Causal “ETNA – OIPA INTERNATIONAL” and the exact amount