LD50: toxicity test of a chemical substance; groups of lab animals are forced to ingest chemicals in increasing amounts until half of them dies. The animals are often force fed by a tube inserted down the esophagus into the stomach.

Draize Eye Test: In this test, conscious rabbits are immobilised while chemicals are put directly into their eyes, inspecting the resulting injuries to the eyes after several days. Since rabbits hardly have any tears they can’t get rid of the chemical in the eye, facilitating the researcher’s work. This test claims to evaluate how much a substance can damage human eye tissues.

Draize Skin Test: evaluation method of the irritative potential of a given substance for the human skin. The test is typically conducted by placing a chemical or chemical mixture on the skins of animals, usually rabbits and guinea pigs. The skin is often prepared by removing layers of skin to cause abrasions.

Carcinogenicity Test: this test wants to reveal whether a chemical provokes cancer or not (in the animals that are tested, not for man obviously). Rodents are the most common candidates, and they are force to eat or inhale a chemical up until various years. The animals are then killed and an autoptical examination will state if there’s any cancer in their tissues.

A bad example: Procter & Gamble
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