Many people have already left for their holidays, but there are those who are trying to start over after having lost everything due to the floods that badly hit the Region of Emilia Romagna in Italy.

Our volunteers in Bologna and Ravenna keep receiving calls for help, and very weekend or whenever they have time from work, they travel for miles to bring aid to flood affected families still struggling.

There are those who, like the family of the sweet Dara, ran away just in time before the big flood and now live in a camper van waiting to return home as soon as possible.

Macchia (Spot), a wonderful 12 year-old dog with a heart-shape spot on her back, on the other hand was forced to adapt herself overnight to a city life, leaving her flooded house in the countryside with her family.

Then there are families who are still in risky areas, such as the one who lives a few steps from the flooded river of Sillaro, in the municipality of Spazzate Sassatelli, province of Bologna. Rescued by helicopter and rubber boats, the family is now reunited with their animals. Around them bulldozers, dry land for the animals and lots to do, but the most important thing is to still be together.

Besides bringing food to dogs and cats of families in need, OIPA volunteers are also helping cat colonies scattered around as well as several domestic cats left homeless, including many pregnant cats and abandoned puppies and kittens.

OIPA volunteers in Bologna are also making an effort to help 33 dogs living in a house located between two landslides in the municipality of Pianoro. Luckily, some have already found accommodation and now there are about 22 left, to whom our volunteers are bringing food, but it is urgent to find a safe place as soon as possible to protect them.

There are still many critical situations and our volunteers keep responding to requests for help, an important service for those in difficulty with their pets.

A network of solidarity made possible only thanks to those who have given their contribution with generosity.

A very special thanks goes to IFAW – International Fund for Animal Welfare. Thanks to their € 8,000 grant, OIPA was able to assist over 600 animals (dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, hens, turtles, donkeys, birds) in just a few weeks, providing them food (about 1,7 tons), some veterinary care and supplies. Our volunteers have been able to assist families, shelters, cat colonies, sanctuaries and stables. From the bottom of our hearts thanks to our friends of IFAW.