Since the outbreak of war, which now dates back to the end of February, OIPA International has been one of the first animal protection organizations to take prompt action and provide immediate help and support to animals, innocent victims of the conflict as much as humans.

Many pets have had the opportunity to flee away with their owners crossing the border, but many other animals have been left behind. Millions of abandoned or lost pets, stray dogs and cats, animals in public or private shelters, those prisoners in zoos, aquariums and farms are still in serious danger inside Ukraine.

A tragic situation for civilians and for animals that have seen their lives change and all their certainties and habits destroyed from one day to the next, however thanks to the massive solidarity spread internationally they have succeeded to get a new hope and a tangible help.

Starting from the precious contribution of OIPA supporters, who have enabled us to collect funds highly required for purchasing food, medicines, emergency units and supplies for animals. This has been made possible thanks to the generous donations received for the “Emergency Ukraine” fundraising campaign, launched a few days after the conflict started and that is still ongoing.

OIPA International has been acting on two equally important sides.

👉 On the one hand, it has been channelling aid to its member league associations based in neighbouring countries and constantly working at the border: Sava’s Safe Haven and Casa Lui Patrocle in Romania; Viva!Poland and Fundacja ODIN in Poland, which provide assistance to refugees and their pets.

👉 On the other hand, by sending loads of food and targeted supplies to its Ukrainian member league associations Happy Paw and KSPA Lucky Strand that are then responsible of the distribution across the country among shelters, associations, volunteers and ordinary citizens in difficulty and according to the need of animals left behind (following the decision of several European countries, including Italy, to ban the entry of strays and other animals coming from Ukrainian shelters and that therefore need help on the spot).

📍 The first part of aid for animals, delivered mostly inside Ukraine, amounts to € 60,000 and includes 23 tons of food, veterinary products and useful material for animals. Each single aid was targeted, controlled, regulated and expressly requested to OIPA International by local shelters, volunteers and associations.

Two trucks left Poland for Ukraine, between March and April thanks to the logistic support of Fundacja Odin.
The first 3 tons cargo reached L’viv in March; while the second truck of 20 tons arrived in Kyiv last April. Once reached their destination, Happy Paw and KSPA Lucky Strand sorted in turn food and supplies distributing aids widely across Ukraine even to the most difficult areas affected by war.

What was exactly sent to Ukraine?

🔹 dry and wet food for adult cats and dogs
🔹 specific dry and wet food for puppies and kitten
🔹 specific food for senior or pathological animals (e.g. kidney)
🔹 sand and cat litters
🔹 probiotics
🔹 multivitamins
🔹 anti flea and ticks collars and pipes
🔹 pet carriers
🔹 collars, harnesses and leashes
🔹 snacks
🔹 gauze and syringes

The amount mentioned above includes a donation of 17,500€ to Sava’s Safe Haven, OIPA’s member association in Romania. This donation was used for:

🔹 purchasing two emergency mobile units needed to shelter dogs and cats rescued from Ukraine or left by owners who could no longer take care of them;
🔹 a dozen large kennels where animals could spend their quarantine period after leaving Ukraine;
🔹 veterinary assistance and care for animals that have crossed the border;
🔹 5 tons of dry dog ​​and cat food that Sava’s team delivered directly to volunteers in Ukrainian cities of Izmail, Odessa and Nykolaev;
🔹 anti flea and ticks treatment for 120 animals and rapid test for leshmania.

OIPA has also delivered about 60 pet carriers and recently harnesses, leashes and pet beds. The association itself used part of the donation for purchasing additional food, transport cages, leashes, collars, and bowls to donate to refugees at their reception point of Isaccea border.

Casa Lui Patrocle, another OIPA’s member league association in Romania, operating on the northern border of Siret received a donation of 5,000€ that the team used for purchasing on our behalf food, collars, leashes, bowls, snacks and blankets to donate to refugees’ pets. They also received about 60 transport cages shipped together with leashes and harnesses from OIPA.

In Poland, the association Viva! Poland received 5,000€ employed for purchasing food and useful material to distribute at their 20 reception points set up for Ukrainian refugees in the city of Warsaw, while Fundacja Odin supported OIPA with an excellent logistics and warehousing work helping us to deliver aid inside Ukraine.

Distribution of humanitarian aid inside Ukraine

KSPA Lucky Stand, we recall being OIPA member league association, has sorted 10 tons of aid to:

🔹 stray animals and shelters followed by Lucky Strand’s team itself;
🔹 volunteers of “Free Animals” project, who sent food to Gostomel;
🔹 “Humanitarian Forces of Ukraine” volunteers who delivered aid to animals in Bucha, Irpin and Rakov;
🔹 “Ursa Foundation” team;
🔹 some small private shelters in Vasilkov;
🔹 “Gaia” shelter in Kyiv;
🔹 animals in Vorzel;
🔹 a small shelter in Boyarka;
🔹 some mini private cat shelters in Kyiv;
🔹 animals in Konotop and Shostka (Sumy region);
🔹 animals in Chernihiv;
🔹 shelters in Ukrainka, Khodosiivka, Khalepia, Trypillia and Obukhiv (Kyiv region) including the dog shelter of Khodosiivka;
🔹 “Jerry” shelter that takes care of abandoned animals with chronic diseases;
🔹 cat shelter of Nadezhda Reut;
🔹 all veterinary supplies were sent to the veterinary clinic and temporary shelter in Kiev.

Happy Paw, also member league of OIPA International, has sorted 13 tons of aid to:

🔹 “A chance for Life” shelter (300 animals) in Nikopol and local volunteers;
🔹 a shelter in Kryvyi Rih (100 animals);
🔹 volunteers in Kozin;
🔹 Klubochek” shelter in Mykolaiv (200 animals);
🔹 “Koshkin house” shelter and abandoned animals in Katyuzhanka village (over 160);
🔹 “Zooplatform” shelter in Boryspil district (120 animals);
🔹 “Cat Kingdom” shelter in a Kiev (50 cats);
🔹 Domovenko shelter (220 animals);
🔹 “House for animals” shelter in Khodosiivka (100 animals);
🔹 “Best Friends” shelter (600 animals) which had been hit twice by shelling;
🔹 Gostomel shelter (600 animals);
🔹 “Matilda” shelter (300 animals);
🔹 volunteers assisting animals from cities set free and a center sheltering 80 animals in Mezhyhirya;
🔹 volunteers in Browary;
🔹 the association “Zoopatrol” that is looking after animals in Kiev region and does rescue those remained prisoners inside the apartments of liberated areas;
🔹 “Manana”shelter in Kiev region;
🔹 volunteers in Makariv, Bucha, Irpin, Gostomel region;
🔹 dogs helping Ukrainian army;
🔹 cat shelter “Cats who need a home” (100 animals) in Kiev.

Solidarity and cooperation to help animals of Ukraine won’t stop. Our greatest strength is the ceaseless collaboration with our member leagues that allow us to be active and constant in providing help.

An new load of aid (almost 10 tons) with destination Ukraine is on the way, meanwhile we’ll continue to support our partners  with donations to purchase vaccines, veterinary products but also food for “other animals”.

💙💛 Support the campaign “Emergency Ukraine 💙💛

We can help animals, only with you by our side